Peanut Butter Chicken

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No one knows for sure where peanut butter chicken originated, but you can find this unusual combination of flavors in various cultures worldwide. However, most experts agree it originated in West Africa, where peanut butter is a common ingredient in cooking. In parts of Africa, chicken is often cooked in a rich, spicy peanut sauce. Perhaps it may have inspired the combination of chicken and peanut butter in other cuisines.

Peanut butter chicken is not a particularly common dish in the United States. However, the dish is growing in popularity in recent years. Peanut butter is a common ingredient in dishes served in Asian or African restaurants.

This chicken recipe has a fantastic combination of savory, sweet, and nutty flavors. The chicken gets a rich and creamy texture from the peanut butter, and the soy sauce and garlic add a savory umami taste. The sweetness from the brown sugar balances out the savory flavors, and the ginger adds a slightly spicy kick.

The unexpected combination of flavors will amaze you!

Peanut Butter Chicken

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