Bake A Great Big Beautiful Batch of Fudge Brownies

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This was my go-to recipe for fudge brownies for all the years we lived on the farm and our girls were little. The recipe makes a big batch because I bake them in a pan that’s 12″ by 16.” I cut them into approximately two-inch squares to get about forty-eight brownies from a pan!

There seems to be a lot of variance in the jelly roll pan size, but 10″ x 15″ seems pretty standard. If you don’t have a jelly roll pan, you can use a 13″ x 9″ pan, but they will be thicker, and you’ll need to adjust the baking time.

I got the fudge brownie recipe from my husband’s Aunt Martha over fifty years ago. She was an amazing cook! The ingredients are simple, and the recipe could not be more straightforward. They take very little time to mix up and bake. When I made them this time, I wondered why I ever stopped using this fudge brownie recipe.

Delicious Fudge Brownies

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